
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!

Springtime has finally arrived and it couldn't have come at a better time considering we're back outside every Sunday at Smorgasburg. We've lucked out the past few weeks with unbelievable weather - let's hope it keeps up!

It's been a fun/challenging/exciting month for us with new recipes, a new kitchen and a new website! Our "little blog that could" has served us well and we'll continue to post here periodically, but for the most updated info, you can now check us out at Let us know what you think! And of course, you can always find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Sunset Park at sunset... our new kitchen space...

Calls for a toast with the finest boxed wine money can buy...

That, combined with a double shift, leads to a certain degree of punchiness

First day back at Smorg! A new sign...

New "Addiction Cards" for the serious granola lover...

And cookie lovers can rejoice over our new 4-packs!

It's all fun & games...

Until someone loses a tent. She was great while she lasted (which, for those of you keeping track, is one day).

All in all, a great start to the season! Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

1 comment:

  1. It must be in the name! More Kate's & Jean's who love cookies and box wine!!!

    Lovely blog ladies. Your treats look delicious!

    Kate Jean xx
