
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!

Springtime has finally arrived and it couldn't have come at a better time considering we're back outside every Sunday at Smorgasburg. We've lucked out the past few weeks with unbelievable weather - let's hope it keeps up!

It's been a fun/challenging/exciting month for us with new recipes, a new kitchen and a new website! Our "little blog that could" has served us well and we'll continue to post here periodically, but for the most updated info, you can now check us out at Let us know what you think! And of course, you can always find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Sunset Park at sunset... our new kitchen space...

Calls for a toast with the finest boxed wine money can buy...

That, combined with a double shift, leads to a certain degree of punchiness

First day back at Smorg! A new sign...

New "Addiction Cards" for the serious granola lover...

And cookie lovers can rejoice over our new 4-packs!

It's all fun & games...

Until someone loses a tent. She was great while she lasted (which, for those of you keeping track, is one day).

All in all, a great start to the season! Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Smorgasburg, BAM!!

Now you can find us every weekend under the Brooklyn Bridge, hawking our goods at Smorgasburg in DUMBO.  Bringing you deliciousness every Sunday morning, rain or shine.

We are even working on getting a real sign! That's right, no more 11X17 paper print outs folks!

Radio silence!

Pardon our radio silence since the New Year!   We are busy behind the scenes making some stuff happen, though!  And we're pretty excited to share some of those projects with ya'll over the next few weeks.  Most of our sweet friends know first hand how hard we worked on a project for April Bloomfield's new restaurant in midtown Manhattan- Salvation Taco.  Check it out if you are in the city and craving some tacos... the food is fantastic.

And thanks again to the incredibly supportive family and friends that helped in the studio to make this project happen.

                                               Hard to find better friends than these folks!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

To all of our lovely friends and supporters... 
We hope you've had a wonderful holiday season, filled with delicious food and great company. It's hard to believe that 2012 is almost over! This has been quite a year for us and we can't thank you enough for being a part of it. Whether you've sat at one of our dinners, bought some granola, helped out at the pottery studio or stopped by a market to say hi, your sweet support has meant the world to us. Thanks to your incredible generosity, we were able to donate almost $1,000 this year to God's Love We Deliver and Hurricane Sandy relief through our supper club and granola sales, respectively. Looking forward, we've got a lot of exciting things coming up in the New Year - new products, new kitchen, new suppers, new places to find us - and we can't wait to share them with you! In the meantime, we just wanted to say thank you and wish you a happy and healthy 2013!
Happy New Year!

We moved indoors for the winter...

Got a sweet new cart (bye, bye granny!)...

New chalkboard courtesy of Interior Bliss...

Our holiday gift sets were a hit...

Found a new, bigger kitchen space...

Happy to help our Red Hook neighbors, if only in a small way (some vendors gave 100%!)...

An amazing season at the Brooklyn Flea! See you soon!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Divide & Conquer!

We were very busy bees this weekend - Jean hard at work in the pottery studio and Kate manning the table at both the Brooklyn Flea and Smorgasburg. As always, our amazing friends were on hand to help us out - Jean had a small army of volunteers rolling clay in the studio with her and Kate had tons of lovely visitors stop by the markets (some with lunch in tow!). All in all, a great weekend.

This was our last outdoor market for the season. Though we will certainly miss the gorgeous DUMBO skyline, we're excited to be moving indoors starting November 24th as part of the Holiday Market! Be sure to stop by and pick up some granola and pottery for those stockings!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

We heart Red Hook

We'll be at both the Brooklyn Flea in Fort Greene today and Smorgasburg in Dumbo tomorrow.  Come say hello and help out the neighborhood where both our granola and our pottery are made.  20% of all sales donated to the Red Hook Initiative!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Smorgasburg, Sunday after Sandy

What a wonderful day!  Thanks to everyone who came out to Dumbo for yesterday's market, we honestly didn't know what to expect.  We feel so very lucky to have weathered the storm surrounded by friends and internet access and heat and realize that so many others have some tough days, weeks, months ahead of them.  We will continue to donate 20% of all sales over the coming months to various relief efforts around the city.  Check back with us for more specific details surrounding our donation.  And keep up the good spirit NYC- forever a special city.